
Being overwhelmed and stressed out is taxing on both a mental, emotional and physical level. The negative impact of stress reaches far and wide in our culture of busyness, noise, and connectivity. Some medical experts report 85-90% of all illnesses have stress as an underlying factor! That’s huge! What are your stressors? During this month of Stress Awareness, take some time to explore what triggers you to feel stress. Do you find yourself always complaining about the traffic and how irritating it is? Do the lines in the stores have you sighing and feeling impatient?…

Create More Space in your life and have less busyness!   One of the things I’m most passionate about is guiding people in how to live their lives with less stress and more joy. Our culture seems to be rife with being overworked, overcommitted, overstressed, and over-busy. Just think back to the last few people you greeted. When you asked them how they were, was their response, “I’ve been so busy!”? Maybe someone asked you how you were doing and that was exactly how you answered. I’ve caught myself doing it and I don’t like…

Personal notes on spring, space, and decluttering the mind! Spring has sprung and I’m loving it!  It feels so fresh and open to what is possible. Does it do that for you, too? There has been a lot of stressful energy this past winter. From some extreme weather conditions to negative political climates, practicing self-care has never been more important. One of my self-care practices that I renewed last fall is yoga. Yoga provides a “space” in my life that simply allows me to focus on being mindful of my body. It de-clutters my mind…

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