This is a 3 part series of simple stress relief tools to support you easily and quickly in getting rid of stress.  Stress Relief Tool #2-The Stop Sign!   This is really simple, but very effective. When those those monkey mind worry thoughts start taking over, or when you start noticing that you are feeling on edge, feeling tense and generally ready to burst….picture a big STOP SIGN in front of you. I love the acronym of STOP!  This is a perfect image! Use it to STOP those runaway negative thoughts and feelings. You get…

To keep you feeling more in control of those triggers that get you stressed out, be sure to use the the next stress relief tool #2 that is now available for you. Remember to visit the Healthy, Wealthy & Wise online event, if you haven’t done so already, as it’s ending on the 20th. I’d love to get your comments on my blog/featured articles, as I will be logging on every so often to stay connected while out of office! If you are wanting a bonus Stress Relief tool, be sure to check out “Writing…

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