
Question for this week: Are you allowing Joy into your life? Welcome to week 3 of Stress Relief tips and audios for the holidays! I just learned a new word this week: Stressmas! I laughed out loud when I saw it on a post from a colleague. Unfortunately, it does seem to fit the season. How can we change that up-even just a bit? I know, it’s a busy time of the year with added on things to do amidst the already full loads most of us carry during our daily lives. Yet, I believe…

Self care is high on my priority list for myself and coaching for my clients. Yet, it still can be especially challenging during the holidays! I find myself getting caught up in the OMG there’s not enough time in the day syndrome. Can you relate? I get all enthused for the many things I want to do during the holidays, yet it can start to feel like it’s all too much, if I don’t take even 5 minutes to mentally and emotionally plan my day. I don’t mean as in a to-do list, but instead…

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