Ready to tap into the New Year energy? Ways Healing Hypnotherapy can support you in 2025!

Ready to tap into the New Year energy? Ways Healing Hypnotherapy can support you in 2025!
Ready to tap into the New Year energy? Ways Healing Hypnotherapy can support you in 2025!

“Whatever you do or dream you can do – begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

I always find there’s a powerful energy in the start of a New Year.

Technically, it’s just another day, but in our collective culture, we’ve set it up for new beginnings…a so called “clean slate,” from which to start again.

I think that’s appropriate, as it puts forth new possibilities and dreams we may have left behind in our day to day lives last year.

As in my last enews/blogpost, I shared with you some of my reflections I have had, I now want to share with you one of the ways I create and design my new year with intention, which I’m inviting you to do as well.

After reflecting on my previous year and writing down what I deem “success” in various areas of my life, such as health, relationships, work/business, personal growth…I then chose a word or words as a theme for my new year.

This word or theme will be my guide for the year, in which I base my focus and decisions on.

My word/theme for 2025 is “Grateful.”

Initially, I thought it was gratitude or joy or joyous gratitude, but I chose GRATEFUL, as it feels more active-like a verb-being in action!

I’ll use this word/theme when I might find myself grumbling about something, for instance, if I find myself saying “It’s a lot of work to take down and pack away all my Christmas decorations” or “It’s a lot of work to stay fit and healthy.”

I will remind myself how grateful I am that I have all the Christmas decorations I do that bring me and others joy each year. And, I’ll feel very grateful that I am healthy, that I can walk, that I can choose healthy foods to eat.

By choosing grateful as my theme word this year, I’ll be shifting my energy to feeling more abundance and filling up my heart with more joy and love.

So, I’d like to invite you to take some time for yourself and reflect on the past year’s successes and then set an intention and word/theme for your New Year.

It will really get you in the momentum of that energetic state of what is possible for Your New Year!

Speaking of a new year and my focus on feeling grateful, I’m extended my group weight release program’s special pricing of $200.00 off, because I’m very grateful to you, my Mind Matters community!

I want you to benefit from this program so you can get a new refreshed energetic start to your new year.

The New Year-New You program focuses on creating a new mindset for your healthiest best self in your mind, body and spirit.

It will guide you in tapping into your innate wisdom and will get you to stop all the monkey mind thoughts about what you should and shouldn’t do.

It allows you to really know what YOU need to be and feel your best.

Not someone else’s or some “weight loss program’s” rules and restrictions!

So, if you are ready to step into the new energy of the new year in a powerful way for your health and well being-to learn to listen and trust yourself from an inner knowing-ness, your own wisdom that’s maybe been covered up for too long, then this program is for you.

We start on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025!

You’ll find all the details here!

And, you can enroll right now at this extended great price of $297.00!

That’s $200 off the regular price of $497.00, which is still an amazing price for 6 weeks of mind coaching for building a solid foundation of getting rid of excess weight and the mindset to be your healthiest self in mind body and spirit!

Simply click here now to enroll or learn more details.

In gratitude for you,


P.S. Check out ways Healing Hypnotherapy Mind Coaching can support you in your new year below.



Ways Healing Hypnotherapy can support you in 2025!

#1-If you’re finding it’s time to say YES to your health and well being that may have gotten ignored, suppressed or even abused over this last year-please do enroll in my new:

New Year-New YOU Weight Release Program.”

Even if you are not wanting to get rid of any excess weight, this program will support you in having the best mindset for your health and well-being as you create how you want to be and WHO you want to be in 2025.

And, I’d like to be clear about something-this is important:

Getting rid of excess weight is not about me or anyone else saying that’s what you should do. It’s not fat shaming you if you are “over weight.” It’s about you being the best version of YOU, because that’s what feels good for YOU-not because of any cultural expectations!

So, if you’re ready for a shift, if you’re feeling you want to feel more in control of your health and well being, than this is the program for you.

And, it has an amazing price right now!

Simply click here.

#2-If you are feeling stuck in other areas of your life and would like to get “unstuck,” feel more inner peace, be less stressed and happier in general, then it’s time, isn’t it? And, I can help you get the results you are wanting!

#3-Maybe you’d like support in creating and designing YOUR new year? It’s a powerful process when you intentionally CREATE your life, rather than falling victim to the whims of all the external distractions that keep you connected to what really ignites your life energy!

Together we can make this new year your best year to really shine powerfully.

I will help you access your powerful inner mind to learn what it is you need-to get to where you want to go!

Not only will you learn what you need, but you’ll be spurred into action knowing WHY you want what you want and will naturally let go of those non-serving habits and establish new empowering ones…one micro habit at a time.

So, don’t wait…time has a way of moving along quickly…

I’m sure wouldn’t want to find yourself in June feeling you “should’ve” done this for yourself much sooner-as you’d already would have achieved the shift you can make possible starting now.

Summary of ways to shift with hypnotherapy mind coaching:

  • New Year-New You Weight Release Group Program
  • Get “Unstuck” private one-on-one sessions.
  • Create & Design YOUR Year for a most powerful year of new empowering habits!


3 Ways to Connect:

Phone/text: 425-941-2051

I’m excited for YOUR possibilities of a New Year-New YOU!



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