Mind Tricks We Might Fall For (That Aren’t True!)

Mind Tricks We Might Fall For (That Aren’t True!)
What if the Stressful Thoughts You Believe… Aren’t Even True?
  1. “I have to do everything perfectly, or I’ll fail.”

Truth: Perfection causes paralysis and it’s more valuable to make progress and move forward than striving for perfection.

  1. “I don’t have time for self-care.”

Truth: You can’t pour from an empty cup—small self-care resets boost productivity and shows you value YOU!

  1. “I’m not good enough / smart enough / capable enough.”

Truth: Your mind gathers ‘evidence’ for this belief, when you keep telling yourself this, instead shift your focus and self talk to I am good enough, I am smart enough and I am capable enough.

  1. “Worrying helps me stay in control.”

Truth: Worry only drains energy and 90% of what we worry about doesn’t come to fruition, but taking small actions creates real control.

  1. “If I say no, I’ll let people down.”

Truth: Boundaries create healthier relationships, not weaker ones. You can’t control other people’s reactions, you need to take of yourself and say YES to you!


Exercise: Grab a piece of paper (or your computer!)

  • Jot down three repeating thoughts that bring you stress.
  • Ask yourself: Is this thought really true? Is there another way to see it?
  • Then, write down your reframe/ new perspective of this and repeat that to yourself whenever the old stressful mind trick pops up!

Your mind doesn’t have to trick you into stress anymore. If you’d like support in identifying those tricky mind thoughts and in getting clear of how they’ve been keeping you in the stress and anxiety cycle and are ready for more inner calm, let’s chat!

I have lots of experience in helping clients make their desired changes and would love to help you as well!

Book a complimentary phone discovery session, and let’s make space for your growth and blossoming this spring!

Click Here to Begin

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