


Reduce fear, tension and pain

  • Shorten your labor by several hours
  • Specialized breathing tools and strategies to work with your body-not against it.
  • Support prenatal bonding with your baby
  • Bring greater joy to your childbirth
  • Facilitate your postnatal recovery
  • And more
  • Sign up now!


Having a more comfortable childbirth and a mindset that allows you to experience more calm and joy, can be yours with Hypnobirthing.

Hypnobirthing is as much a mindset and philosophy about the possibilities of having a comfortable birthing experience, as are the tools and techniques for achieving a relaxing and stress-free labor. This method facilitates comfort by bringing your body and mind into harmony using special breathing, hypnosis, relaxation and visualization techniques.

During Hypnobirthing classes you and your partner will learn ways to promote a more comfortable childbirth through deep relaxation, self-hypnosis, guided imagery and special breathing techniques. These tools will enable you to relax, go into your birthing body easily, while remaining awake, alert and fully in control as you welcome your baby into the world.

Taught by Jackie Foskett, who was trained & certified with the HypnoBirthing® Institute in 2000,  these classes are specially designed to help you learn:

– Relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques to eliminate the fear and tension that  cause long labor and pain, replacing it with confidence, calm and comfort.
– Other techniques to produce a shorter, more comfortable labor.
– The creation of the body’s own natural anesthesia.
– The source of the myth that pain must accompany normal birthing.
– How the mother’s body is designed to work in neuromuscular harmony with nature throughout labor.
– Practice in deep relaxation during and between uterine surges.
– The importance of prenatal and perinatal bonding.

As of January 2024, EvergreenHealth Medical Center is no longer holding Hypnobirthing classes.

Healing Hypnotherapy continues to offer hypnobirthing sessions. 

HypnoBirthing® Video

What moms are saying about HypnoBirthing®!

“I really attribute my short labor to all the deep breathing and visualization I learned through HypnoBirthing®. I have also recovered very quickly myself and I truly believe it all had to do with you, Archie (husband), and the HypnoBirthing® method.” Deb H. Seattle, WA

Jackie, Thank you so much for all of your help in preparing us for our labor. The Hypnobirthing® techniques allowed us to have a beautiful birth experience. Cassidy came into this world with Peace and Love surrounding her. We know that in future births, Hypnobirthing® will definitely be a part of our preparation.”
Natalie & Kevin L. Sumner, WA

“After having two babies with epidurals, my HypnoBirthing® experience was totally different. I felt more relaxed and focused than I imagined possible. Of my three children, my HypnoBirthing® baby has been the happisest and easiest to care for. HypnoBirthing works and I’m so happy to have experienced it!”
Becky M. Bellevue, WA

“HypnoBirthing® helped me feel calm and confident about the birthing process. I was also prepared and excited. My birth was smooth, easy, & relaxed. My baby has been very relaxed and calm, as well. I felt so proud when my midwife told me after the birth that she could not tell when I was having contractions!” Katy V. Seattle, WA

“It was wonderful. I was able to give birth without any medications. I felt really happy about how everything went and I’m a more confident person now. It was empowering. In these days, when the use of medications and doubt about women’s ability to give birth are promoted, HypnoBirthing® allowed me to have my beliefs reinforced. The relaxation exercises also helped me sleep better during my pregnancy and have helped me during nursing my baby.” Gizela B. Redmond, WA

“The HypnoBirthing® techniques we learned in class were very helpful for us. While I was breathing her (Emma) down, Zach coached me. He helped me focus my breath to breathe the baby down. I utilized the other breathing techniques throughout the day and in the beginning part of active labor as well. We feel the class was excellent preparation for labor. Thank you, Jackie, for your wisdom and offering of this class to us! We are forever grateful to you for your guidance and giving us the confidence to have a natural birth”. Julia & Zach K., Seattle, WA

“Hi, Jackie! Our little girl was born on June 26th, 2021. Labor was fairly quick and went really well! Hypnobirthing helped a lot with preparing for labor and keeping my mind at ease. . In early labor the audios were great and I could put myself in my “happy place. With each surge, I kept telling myself to give in instead of fighting or clenching (this was difficult to do at some points) and I think it helped the most. My husband was there to remind me to relax which was extremely helpful. . I did all of this without an epidural and so thankful I did! I think it was important for my body and baby to go through the natural hormone process. As a first-time mom, I was in active labor for about 6 hours and was able to move freely, try different positions, and used the tub as I pleased. All of these sped my dilation up. I jumped from a 5cm to a 10cm in a matter of 3 hours!” Alexa & Scott Carnation, WA

What the experts say

“[HypnoBirthing®] has been one of the few things that I have done in the past several years that has truly changed the way that I practice obstetrics. HypnoBirthing® has brought the birth experience to a new level of enjoyment, not only for the birthing woman and her birth companion, but also for me as a practitioner. Certainly, nine times out of ten, when the babies come out, they are calm and very content and go to the breast immediately. The mother is alert and involved in the birthing process and in bringing her baby to the breast and helping the baby to breast feed. All in all, HypnoBirthing® is a wonderful birth experience.”
Dr. Jeffrey Segil, FACOG, Dover Women’s Health Center

“Yesterday I was honored to be present at another wonderful Hypnobirth. Dad called me at 2:00 PM to say Mom was beginning to labor. She was at home relaxing and asked that I arrive in about an hour. At 3:00 I arrived at her home to find her lying in her bed, looking very serene and goddess like as she was breathing through her surges. I told Mom that she could move to the birth center any time now. She said that she didn’t want to move because she was so comfortable. Mom began to lovingly breathe her baby down. She was so wonderfully in tune with her birthing instincts that she needed no instruction. A short time later she gently pressed down and her baby’s head emerged. Another time and a sweet baby girl was born It was such a beautiful display of love and trust! Once again, I am in awe of the power of it all!” Vivian Keeler D.C., HBCE, CD (DONA)

“I have made the transition to HypnoBirthing®-The Mongan Method. I now believe that birthing involves no pain. I have attended over 250 births that have used the techniques and philosophy of HypnoBirthing® – “The Mongan Method”. I realize that I no longer perform deliveries; I attend births and observe the miracle of HypnoBirthing®-The Mongan Method. Every mother has been excited about the birth event. Support people become involved in a meaningful way. I have had no complications. No babies have needed Oxygen or any support other than warming by mother’s body. My C-Section rate is 3%. I have given absolutely no analgesic drugs since I have used HypnoBirthing® -The Mongan Method with mothers.”
Lorne R. Campbell Sr. M.D. Atlanta Medical Center Family Residency Program

“I’m impressed! I’m impressed! I’m impressed!
OB-GYN Physician

“It’s beautiful! This is the way all babies should come into the world.
Labor & Delivery Nurse

“I’ve been delivering babies for twenty years, and I’ve never seen anything like this method. It’s incredible.”
Ob-Gyn Physician

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