Fall Is All About Change!

Fall Is All About Change!

I’ve gotten some great feedback from the survey I recently sent out and I want to thank you if you participated in completing it.

I am keeping it open for 1 more day, til midnight on September 9th,  so if you haven’t taken it, or started it and didn’t complete it, I would so appreciate you doing so today.

It will only take you about 5-7 minutes tops, if that!

All input is valuable.

And, you get some really cool gifts after you submit it.

You get to choose as many as you like from the gift page.

  • Gift #1-5 Common Triggers for Emotional EatingReport
  • Gift #2-40 Things to Do Instead of Reaching For Junk FoodChecklist
  • Gift #3-Affirmations for Women: Empowering ThoughtsAudio Recording
  • Gift #4-Affirmations for Women: Empowering Thoughts-Printable Document

You’ll see the instructions to access your gifts at the end of the survey.

Here is the link.

Survey 2024

As we begin to depart from the summer season and glide into fall, at least here in the northern hemisphere, I find this a perfect time to hit the refresh, renew and restart button on our lives.

I’ve been doing this myself.

I’ve been wanting to renew my meditation practices, so I’ve pushed the reset button on that and am exploring how to incorporate mini meditations times in my schedule.

When you read the article below, you’ll see how creating micro habits has been key for me to get this going!

One of the things I learned from the survey input so far is that stress management is one of your priorities.

Well, Fall is the perfect time to change out some old non serving habits that are keeping you in the stress loop for ones that will support you in having less stress and more ease and calm in your life!

As stress and anxiety relief are my specialty, (because stress, anxiety and overwhelm are almost always underneath anything you may want to change), I’ll be sending out a series of upcoming emails on ways to manage stress, which impact so many other areas of our lives!

Remember to take the survey and submit it right away! Thank you!



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