Does this happen to you, too: Why does time seem to fly by so quickly?

Does this happen to you, too: Why does time seem to fly by so quickly?

Time flies. It’s up to you to be the navigator

Robert Orben

That quote above really resonates with me.

Since getting back from our Southeast Asian experience, I’ve felt like my summer here in the Pacific Northwest has been flying by way too quickly.

Does time fly for you, too?

And, yet, I’ve been realizing how important it is to be the navigator of my time, as all I really have is now.

How I’ve been navigating my time is by doing those things in my yard that I’ve known need to be done…but had been putting off.

Now, I’m getting them done and it feels good not to have it be something “I’ll do it later.”

My yard is appreciating my attention and I’m very much enjoying the fruits of my labor and the help I’ve gotten from others who know how to get some projects done better than I could ever do on my own.

So, perhaps, you’ve been thinking you’d like to get unstuck from an “issue” that’s been a thorn in your side…or you are ready to finally take care of your body, get rid of excess weight, and choose foods that support your best health and fuel you with energy.

Or maybe you’re ready to tackle that stress and anxiety you’ve been carrying around for too long.

Whatever you want to change-up in your life-

I encourage you to be the navigator of your time now and take advantage of Healing Hypnotherapy’s

Summertime 2 Session Special.

Sometimes it’s easy to think: “I’ll deal with that someday.”

And, before you know it -as time does fly-“someday” is here and you still haven’t made the changes you said you wanted to make.

Or you may think you can make those changes on your own own as up to this point in time, you haven’t made those changes on your own and you’re now realizing how important having support can give you the motivation, the “maps” and the accountability to utilize your time effectively and get the results you are after.

It’s very interesting how time will take you on many different routes, but not always to your desired destination, if you aren’t navigating where you are going.

My invitation to you now is to take that action step to make the changes you are desiring NOW-not someday!

Healing Hypnotherapy’s 2 Session Summertime Special will kick-start your journey, and provide you with the guidebook so you can navigate your time in a manner that allows you to be mindful of making your desired changes.


Contact me!


Healing Hypnotherapy’s Summertime Special is titled “Summertime Mode.”

And, as I am an advocate of relaxation and ease in our lives, (Summertime Mode), this does not exclude taking action.

By taking action-navigating your time effectively to make your desired changes-you will feel more calmness in your life, less anxious and be able to fully be in the “Summertime Mode!”

PPS. There are only a few more spots left with a couple of bonuses available.

But, do take action now-special ends July 31st! Remember, time does fly!



Jackie Foskett of Healing Hypnotherapy

Jackie Foskett of Healing Hypnotherapy

If you have any questions regarding this special offer of a 2 Session package, please do not hesitate to contact me via email:

Phone: 425-941-2051 or my contact form on my website:

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