Stress & Anxiety Relief

Unveiling the Path to Happiness: Exploring Personal Values

Unveiling the Path to Happiness: Exploring Personal Values

In a previous enews/blog,  I briefly wrote about how reflecting on and understanding our values, is an important piece when choosing the path of happiness. Our values, like a guiding light, can illuminate our way to a more fulfilled life. When our actions and behaviors align with them, we find ourselves in harmony with our authentic selves, paving the way to our joy and happiness. Conversely, straying from these guiding principles can obscure our happiness, leaving us adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Knowing and understanding our values can help us make important life decisions,…

The Happiness Journey: Embracing Growth Through Openness to Learning

The Happiness Journey: Embracing Growth Through Openness to Learning

In our pursuit of happiness, one of the key components lies in our willingness to embrace growth and learning. As a Hypnotherapist Mind Coach, I’ve observed the transformative power with my clients that comes from them staying open to new experiences, learning about the mind and how they can make the changes they desire. Let’s explore how this mindset of continuous growth can shape our journey towards greater happiness. The Path to Happiness: Staying Open Happiness isn’t a destination; it’s a journey—one that is enriched by our openness to learning and growth. When we maintain…

The Happiness & Continuous Learning Connection

The Happiness & Continuous Learning Connection

I recently was reading an article about values, what they are, how we acquire them and how they may change over time, too. (Stay tuned for this great topic in a future article.) It got me thinking what my values are. It’s not always an easy assessment, but when we look at what’s important to us, where we put our priorities, we can start to discern what those values are. I realized one of my values is personal growth and learning. From the time I was a teenager, I was curious about our connection to…

10 Signs You Are Stressed Out – Unlock Happiness: Your Blueprint Awaits!

10 Signs You Are Stressed Out – Unlock Happiness: Your Blueprint Awaits!

Like other human reactions getting stressed out is normal. The human body is capable of processing and handling stress for short periods of times. Yet, being consistently stressed out is not normal and is detrimental to our health and well being. And, it can be difficult to determine if and when you are experiencing too much or consistent stress, because after a while, it can feel “normal.” Below are 10 signs that you may be stressed out and are missing the cues because it does feel normal or you attribute it to something else. Muscle…

I Have Something Special for You – Unlock Your Happiness Blueprint Today!

I Have Something Special for You – Unlock Your Happiness Blueprint Today!

Happy Spring, Happy Women’s History Month, and just plain “Happy” to you all! It feels like it’s been a while since we last connected, but rest assured, you’ve been on my mind. Life has been bustling with supporting clients through their transformative journeys, teaching couples the beautiful art of hypnobirthing, and enjoying the company of dear friends visiting from afar. But amidst all this excitement, I’ve been working on something special, something I know will bring a big smile to your face. I’m thrilled to share it with you. Listen here!  Remember last spring’s 5…

Happy Lunar New Year!

Happy Lunar New Year!

I missed greeting you in to January’s New Year, my apologies. My life has been busy and full of creating new inspiring behaviors and habits for this new year. It feels like a good one, even if there is a lot of turmoil happening on so many levels of our world. At the end of December I shared an article and an audio for completing 2023 and creating and designing 2024. Well, I’ve been at work on this myself. Besides for adding in more consistent self care behaviors and habits that I can build easily…

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