Balance and Simplicity

Balance and Simplicity
bby Jackie Foskett, CH

This morning as I was having my meditation-connection time,  I picked up a book called “The Woman’s Book of Soul” by Sue Patton Thoele.  It’s a collection of meditations I sometimes refer to when my intuition guides me.  Today, I turned to “Culling Complications, Welcoming Simplicity”.  As soon as I read it, I knew it was the theme to write about for this article.

As I want to keep with the theme of simplicity, I will keep this short and sweet, so perhaps you might spend more time away from the computer and onto to something which nourishes your soul!

We live in a culture that thrives on doing!  We also live in a culture bombarded with billions of bits of information via the internet, news media, emails, social media networking and so on.  While some of this “doing” and “busy-ness” is necessary and can be stimulating and even fun, so much more of it can be numbing and negative stress producing.

All this can lead to overwhelment, poor health, fractionated relationships as well as feelings of despair.  Here’s where Balance and Simplicity come in!  How to start welcoming balance and simplicity:

With love and great respect for yourself, gently examine your life to understand how a complicated and busy life may be impacting you.

Here are some questions to stir the pot of your life:

Are you comfortable with the pace you are keeping?  Be honest here, status quo can seem comfortable

Would you like more serenity in your life?

Would you like to feel more at ease, enjoy your life more?

Would you like to have more time with family and friends?

What small step can you take today to welcome more balance and simplicity into your life?

How can you be more in the “Summertime mode” all the time?

Here’s my definition of “Summertime mode”:
Life feels good; things happen with ease; appreciation and gratitude flow through me; I feel connected and happy!

What’s your definition? I’d love to hear how you are bringing more “Summertime mode” into your life.

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Comments (3)

  • I love this article Jackie – well done and thanks for sharing.

    My summertime mode is appreciation of everything around me. Just to clarify I am always grateful for everything around me however in saying that in spring and summer I get to further experience the miracle of life.

    The birds are chirping with joyful singing as they bring new family into the world, the bees are busy from flower to flower. The ocean seems to be more alive this time of year. The fields are filled with life as the land is prepared for new growth.

    I especially enjoy passing by farms where you can see the newborn farm animals and some crops are sprouting through the soil.

    Yes this is an exciting time of year, a time for appreciation of new growth not only in nature but in culture as well.

    • Hey Carl,
      Thanks for sharing what your “summertime mode” is. I agree, it seems like appreciation of Nature, of life, is especially magnified during the spring and summer. Right now in the Northwest, we’ve fallen back into cooler and rainy weather, yet the trees are all green, the shrubs have been blooming and it’s light so early in the morning with the birds singing their wake up songs! Loving it!


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