Spring Cleaning for the Soul: A Perfect Time for Letting Go & Lightening Up Time!

Spring Cleaning for the Soul: A Perfect Time for Letting Go & Lightening Up Time!
Spring Cleaning for the Soul: A Perfect Time for Letting Go & Lightening Up Time

“Spring is a time to let go of the past and embrace the future.”

Positive Oasis

On this first day of Spring, I find myself feeling light-hearted as I know there’s lots of new growth spurring forth and more to come.

I admit, it’s not always easy to feel light-hearted if I get too focused on “the forecast” of the news and the state of affairs in the world. It can feel downright depressing!

And, it gets me thinking “how can I feel good, joyful or excited about something when all this is happening?”

Yet, I read something from a colleague recently that reminded me that it’s ok to feel joy and hope even when acknowledging the “awful” stuff that is happening.

In fact, as I know from the work I’ve done personally and with my clients, it’s an absolute must to cultivate joy and hope into our spirits, in order to shine light into dark times.

So, on this first day of spring, I’d like to invite you to join me in keeping the light on in your heart by focusing more on what delights you and gives you joy.

One of the ways to accomplish this is to take action by reflecting on what it is you want to let go of-that which is feeling heavy and no longer delights you or makes your heart sing.

The article and exercise will take you through a process where you can reflect on what it is to let go of and what the benefits of letting go will give you.

I’m pretty certain, once you do this exercise and take action, you will find the biggest benefit is how freed up you feel and how more the feeling of calm is prevailing within you.

This is much preferred to the anxiety and stresses that the external environment can give us, right?

Along with feeling more calm, I’m betting, you will also discover how ready you are to shine YOUR light and keep blossoming!

I’ll be right there with you making my list and letting go of what no longer “serves” me!

Would love to hear anything you’d like to share about the exercise!
Would love to hear!

Check out what’s possible for you!

With spring in my steps and heart,


Jackie Foskett of healing hypnotherapy

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