Micro Time Management Habits for a Productive Stress Free Life | Control Your Day, Here’s How

Micro Time Management Habits for a Productive Stress Free Life | Control Your Day, Here’s How
Micro Time Management Habits for a Productive Stress Free Life | Control Your Day, Here’s How

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”

 -Robert Collier


I hope this note finds you well and that you’re feeling ready to reset, refresh, and recommit to the goals you’ve set for yourself .

As I’ve shared in my past articles, I’ve been deeply inspired by the approach of working with micro habits. These small, manageable actions, when stacked together, create a ripple effect that can dramatically transform our daily routines – and eventually our lives ?.

Have you started building your own habit stacks yet?

It’s simple to begin: Start by identifying one current habit you already do automatically (like brushing your teeth or making coffee), and then add a tiny new habit to follow.

In no time, these new actions will become second nature, gently guiding you toward your goals.

Here’s an example: After making your morning coffee, spend five minutes practicing deep breathing or jot down your top three priorities for the day.

Over time, these stacked habits can create a focused and calm start to your morning – setting your mind up for success!

But if you haven’t started yet, don’t worry!  There’s no right or wrong time to start.

Small, doable actions are the key to success, and it’s never too late to shape the life you want. If you’re feeling hesitant, it can be helpful to ask yourself:

  • What might be holding me back?
  • Are there fears or worries stopping me from taking the first steps?

And if you’re already stacking your micro habits, kudos to you!

How has the process been for you?

I’d love to hear what changes you’ve noticed in your daily routines. Your feedback and insights always inspire me and remind me of why I do what I do! ?.

Feel free to comment on the blogpost or simply reply to this email – I’m all ears!

Today’s featured article on “Micro Time Management Habits” specifically addresses the issue of time management. We all know that time management is key to feeling less stress and more in control—not just over your day, but your week and even month! ?

Read the article below for practical tips on creating micro habits that will support effective time management and help you move forward feeling empowered and more in control ?.

Important Reminder: If you haven’t yet accessed the Micro Habits Report I created, I encourage you to download it today. Along with today’s article, it will offer tools to support your journey toward creating these powerful, long-lasting routines.

Remember, these small steps will lead to lasting change. You’ve got this, and I’m here to support you every step of the way!




P.S. I’m always here if you need more support with hypnotherapy mind coaching. You can reach me for a complimentary discovery session – let’s explore how habit stacking combined with hypnotherapy can work wonders for you!




Do you run out of time every day? Wouldn’t it be nice if we just had a few more hours to do what we wanted to do, not just what we had to do?


Managing our time can be hard! It’s easy to just want to shut off from it all and not do anything, as it can feel that we are just not getting as much done anyway. Or it can feel like we now have more on our list than when we started our day!

No wonder things can become overwhelming and get to the over-stressed stage. However, you can achieve a more organized, productive, and stress-free life with some little tiny changes that I will discuss below.


Micro Time Management Habits to Change Your Life


These habits are designed to help you manage your time better, reduce stress, and increase productivity, making your life more balanced and fulfilling.


The Five-Minute Planning Session


Before you start your day running here there and everywhere, and not really knowing what you should be doing first, sit down for 5 minutes and make a plan. Write down the top three things you want to accomplish today. Prioritize them and do them. This habit gives you a sense of direction! You know what you have to do.


You don’t just get in your car and hope it knows where you are going. Do the same for you and your day. Know where you are going. By having a quick planning session each morning, it will help you feel more organized, focused, and prepared, reducing the stress and increasing your productivity.


The Five-Minute ‘Not To Do’ Planning Session


So you have just written down the 3 things you want to do today, now write down what you won’t do!

We often focus on what we need to do, but don’t give any thought to all the things we should avoid. You may think you never have time to do all the things you want to do, but how much time do you spend wasting on doing the things you really should be avoiding?


Five minutes of checking your phone and looking at your social media news and updates can roll into hours being chewed up in your day. Write down all the things you won’t do today. These are the things that chew up your time and don’t serve your goals.

For example, scrolling through social media, checking your emails every five minutes, calling your friends just to say hi, and stopping in at the coffee shop when you leave home. You know the things, so write them down.

This list acts as a reminder of where you waste time. Think of it as putting up a STOP sign and see how much more time you have in your day.


The Two-Minute Task Rule


If a task will only take you two minutes or less, do it now! This simple rule helps you tackle small tasks quickly, preventing them from piling up into a hundred two-minute tasks to do, which then makes you feel like you have a week’s work ahead of you, when really it’s only a few hours.


The Work Timer and Break Rule


This habit helps you to focus for 25 minutes on one task, without distractions. So set a timer and focus! After the timer goes off, take a five-minute break. These short bursts of focused work can increase productivity and prevent you from burning out.

Think of it as a series of 100-yard sprints rather than a whole day marathon. Each sprint is manageable, and the breaks help you recharge, making you work more efficiently.

If you work for someone, you may think this won’t work for you, but the focus for 25 minutes does still work. You can then break from the focus, to do something else for 5 minutes, like stretch, take a walk around the office, go to the restroom, etc. Taking a break is key to feeling refreshed and ready to re-focus again for another 25 minutes!

In Summary


Can you see yourself making tiny time management changes to your day? I hope so! If you do you will find you have more time than ever before. It doesn’t sound possible, but try it and see. Start tomorrow morning by planning your day and avoiding the time-wasting things you might do.


If you feel challenged to start any new micro habits for stress relief and time management and would like support in getting started, Healing Hypnotherapy is here to help.

Schedule a complimentary discovery session and we’ll explore how hypnotherapy mind coaching can work for you.


3 Ways to connect:



Phone/text: 425-941-2051

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