Habit Stacking – Combining Micro Habits for Greater Results – Reach Your Goals Faster

Habit Stacking – Combining Micro Habits for Greater Results – Reach Your Goals Faster
Habit Stacking - Combining Micro Habits for Greater Results

“One of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you

already do each day and then stack your new behavior on top.”

-James Clear

I’m loving this whole premise on working with micro habits.

How about you?

Have you started incorporating any new micro habits yet?

If not, check in to see what might be stopping you.

Perhaps you feel it’s too much to take on right now?

Or, you’ve tried creating new habits in the past and failed?

Whatever might be there, if you haven’t begun this process, it’s all ok, please know you can begin at any time…because these are small micro actions-not anything big and scary.

And, if you’ve started making some micro habits, what are you noticing now?

I’m all ears!! Either comment on the blogpost or reply to this email.

Today’s featured article on “Habit Stacking” will support you in embedding these habits even more fully.

If you missed any of the emails, simply go here:

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Remember,  as you begin or continue creating micro habits, small, doable actions that become habits are key to your success!

If you haven’t already accessed the Micro Habits Report I created, I encourage you to do so. I know it will support you, along with today’s article and more articles to come, on how effective micro habits can be in getting the results you want.





Perhaps you have started creating some good habits, and are now working on a few more. That’s great! Now you can gain even greater results if you start stacking them. This is what can transform your life and give you amazing results!

Here’s how you can effectively stack habits to transform your routines and reach your goals even faster.


What is Habit Stacking?


Habit stacking is the process of linking a new habit to an existing one, creating a chain of behaviors that flow naturally from one to the next. This technique leverages the power of already established routines, making it easier to incorporate new habits into your daily life.

By stacking habits, you reduce your cognitive load or thinking power, especially in the mornings when you might feel only half awake! Plus, when you habit stack your brain has already learned the sequence in which the actions have to occur.

For example, perhaps you have an existing habit where you wake up and make your bed. Your new habit is to get healthy by drinking a glass of lemon water and taking five minutes to do a deep breathing exercise. After that, you set your intention for the day by writing down your top three ‘to-do’ priorities.

What this morning stack promotes is proper hydration, mindfulness, and a focused start to your day. Over time, this new combined habit becomes just as automatic as cleaning your teeth, and it is a routine that is so very powerful in supporting your health and well being.


Get Ready To Create Powerful Habit Stacks


This step is easy but requires you to put your habits in a logical order. Here are some ways to help you create your own habit stacks. You just have to think about how and when you want to fit your new habits in.


What Are Your Current Habits?


The first step is to write down the habits you already have in place. These can be anything from the simplest of routines, such as brushing your teeth or making your bed. Another example is reading emails or checking your business stats as soon as you open your eyes. Write down all your habits that are well-established and occur at specific times or in specific contexts.


What Is Your New Micro Habit?


Next, identify a micro habit you want to incorporate into your routine. This habit should be ‘micro’, that is, one that is small and manageable. This could be doing five minutes of stretching.


What Existing Habit Do You Want To Add Your New Habit To?


Once you’ve chosen your new habit, find a natural point in your day to stack it onto an existing habit. The key is to pair the habits in a way that feels logical and effortless. So let’s use the new five minutes of stretching I gave above as an example. For this new habit, you might like to stack it onto your existing morning routine – just before or after you do your five-minute deep breathing exercise.


Start Small and Stack Gradually


It can be fun to keep stacking, but start small so you don’t overdo it and become overwhelmed. You can add more as they become more automatic. You want them to feel natural, which helps make them sustainable over the long term.

Consistency Is Key


As with anything you want to see results with, consistency is key. By practicing your habit stacks daily, you reinforce these habits in your brain!


Make Adjustments If You Need To


Sometimes you may begin a new habit, or habit stack, and it doesn’t work for you. If so, change it! Life is full of changes, and your routines may need to adapt over time. If a habit stack isn’t working as well as you’d like, don’t hesitate to tweak it. This is where the flexibility of habit stacking allows you to adjust your routines without losing the momentum you have already built.


In Summary


Don’t forget to write down your current habits that you do automatically, then start stacking! Once you start you will see how habit stacking is incredibly effective.

You will start seeing the results in all parts of your life. By linking your new habits to your existing ones, you will be creating powerful routines that support your goals and lead to lasting change.

So whether you’re looking to improve your health or increase your productivity, or whatever it is you want to change or improve upon, habit stacking will help you get there, one small step at a time!


If you feel challenged to start any new micro habits or how to effectively “stack” them for best results and would like support, Healing Hypnotherapy is here to help.

Schedule a complimentary discovery session and we’ll explore how hypnotherapy mind coaching can work for you.

3 Ways to connect:



Phone/text: 425-941-2051

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