Create Micro Habits to Reset, Refresh, and Renew This Fall

Create Micro Habits to Reset, Refresh, and Renew This Fall

Fall is a the season of change! Even though we’re not quite there yet, here in the Pacific Northwest, we can see small signs of it more and more each day. Mother Nature knows how to make those tiny changes that add up to a magnificent showcase of color come mid-fall season. And, when you are wanting to make changes in your life, like having less stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, now is a perfect time to hit that refresh button. So put your finger on that button and get ready for some tips to manage…

Fall Is All About Change!

Fall Is All About Change!

I’ve gotten some great feedback from the survey I recently sent out and I want to thank you if you participated in completing it. I am keeping it open for 1 more day, til midnight on September 9th,  so if you haven’t taken it, or started it and didn’t complete it, I would so appreciate you doing so today. It will only take you about 5-7 minutes tops, if that! All input is valuable. And, you get some really cool gifts after you submit it. You get to choose as many as you like from…

Don’t Procrastinate on this one: Why does time seem to fly by so quickly?

Don’t Procrastinate on this one: Why does time seem to fly by so quickly?

“Procrastination has been called a thief—the thief of time“ William Nevins Procrastination certainly can rob us of time that could be spent in ways that are more satisfying and don’t leave us feeling guilty or burdened down with “things” left undone. I have indeed found myself procrastinating at various times, especially when the “task” I’m avoiding seems to be a big with too many components to it. Yet, I’ve learned, taking action is key to finding my way through getting things done that I’ve set out to do. Now, there are many reasons we procrastinate-and…

Does this happen to you, too: Why does time seem to fly by so quickly?

Does this happen to you, too: Why does time seem to fly by so quickly?

“Time flies. It’s up to you to be the navigator“ Robert Orben That quote above really resonates with me. Since getting back from our Southeast Asian experience, I’ve felt like my summer here in the Pacific Northwest has been flying by way too quickly. Does time fly for you, too? And, yet, I’ve been realizing how important it is to be the navigator of my time, as all I really have is now. How I’ve been navigating my time is by doing those things in my yard that I’ve known need to be done…but had…

Discover How You Can Achieve “Summertime Mode” From the Inside Out!

Discover How You Can Achieve “Summertime Mode” From the Inside Out!

“Summertime Mode”… What are you doing this summer to embrace that carefree feeling of summertime? Even if you are working a 9-5 type of job, when you choose to focus on being in the “summertime mode” mindset, you can enjoy feelings of relaxation and more ease this summer. So, my invitation to you is to explore how you can have more relaxation and ease this summer-even with circumstances that may seem contrary to that very concept. I know when I choose to focus on something-be it getting in relaxation time, exercise, meditation time, how I…

Adventures in a New Land!

Adventures in a New Land!

I was recently on a vacation with my husband to Southeast Asia, which is a new and different place than we’d ever visited before. We explored the regions of Singapore and Indonesia. It was a learning experience of different cultures as well as with very different climate conditions than we’re used to. When we left the Pacific Northwest, it was cool springtime weather here, and when we landed in Singapore, it was hot and humid! A bit of a shock to our bodies, to say the least! So, we were thrust into summertime weather immediately.…

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