Free Weight Release Affirmations Audio

Free Weight Release Affirmations Audio


Thank you for your interest in Healing Hypnotherapy’s

Weight Release Affirmations audio


Listening to these affirmations will create the best mind set for your health and well being!

You can listen to these at anytime, you don’t need to be in a relaxed state, although being relaxed enhances the experience.

To your health!


 To download your free Weight Release Affirmations  mp3 audio:


the instructions below:


  1. Right mouse-click on the image or text below
  2. Save file or Save Link as (choose a folder to save it to)
  3. The file will download to your designated folder
  4. It’s now ready for you to listen to from your computer anytime!
  5. You can now upload to any mp3 player, if you choose


Weight Release with Ease Affirmations for Your Weight Release with Ease

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