2023 Holiday Special

2023 Holiday Special

Healing Hypnotherapy’s Holiday Special


This is not just a Black Friday Special. This is a Holiday Special For YOU!

I’m doing this because I know how easy it is to put off taking care of your own needs during this very busy time of the year.

There can be the never ending list of to-do’s.

Along with the lists are the holiday events that are filled with foods you might not normally eat, the worries of gaining weight during this time and the guilt of not getting your regular exercise routines in-or even started.

It all can add up to not feeling as joyful during the season to be jolly!

Yet, when you take even an hour or two during this time of the year-dedicated just to you, you will feel more grounded, more calm and confident that you can manage the end of the year busy-ness much easier.

So, I want to make getting support for your needs as accessible for you as possible.

And, what drives me, is that I love helping my clients make the type of changes that help them build more confidence, feel more calm, be in tune with themselves and know they are capable of making choices that align with their goals, not work against them.

I also know this time of the year can be a time when finances are a concern, so again, I’m making this offer affordable, so it’s easy for you to say YES to YOU!

Without further ado, here’s your special holiday offer:

30% off any single session, any series of sessions or any program.

Here’s how this special offer could work for you:

You could decide to purchase a series of 3 sessions for yourself-use 1 session in the next 5-6 weeks and use the other 2 at the beginning of the year, because, maybe you might want some motivation in the New Year to re-connect with what truly is important to you, refresh your mindset and reset your goals to better align with how you want to create your new year moving forward.

Or, you may just want 1 session in the next few weeks to feel less stressed and harried by tapping into your own inner wisdom to harness that inner calm and learn some tools you can easily use on the fly to either stop a stress or anxious reaction in its tracks or head it off before it even has a chance to take off!

There are many ways to take advantage of this special offer.

The main thing you want to consider is what are your needs now and moving forward.

How do you want to end this year…and how do you want to start the new year?

What habits are no longer serving you?

What habits would you like to cultivate instead?

Is your relationship to food serving you or not?

Do you need to get a handle on how you want your body to feel?

And, do you need some consistent “tools” to feel more positive in your life, despite all the external messages of doom and gloom?

When considering these questions, if you are finding you need to make some changes, then using hypnotherapy mind coaching is an avenue that will support you on your journey of change.

Be sure to reach out via the link below.
I will connect with you as possible after receiving your request for a consult.

We both can decide, with my guidance, what’s the best gift you can give yourself at this time, whether it’s 1, 2 or 4 sessions or more, it’ll be the right one that works for you to feel and know you have empowered yourself with the gift of self care.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

This special offer pricing ends on December 15th.

The sessions you purchase can be used this year or next year up to the end of March, 2024.


Holiday Special Offer: Empower Yourself This Season!

Feeling the weight of holiday stress? Finding it challenging to cope with anxiety? Seeking to break free from habits that hold you back?

I am here to support you through the festivities and beyond.

This Holiday Special offer will help you with any of the following:

Holiday Stress Relief:

  • Navigate the holidays with calm and confidence.
  • Unwind amidst the festive chaos and find inner peace.
  • Transform stress into serenity with specialized hypnotherapy techniques.

Combating Weight Gain:

  • Bid farewell to holiday weight gain worries.
  • Discover how to manage your relationship with food effortlessly.
  • Forge a path towards a healthier lifestyle without deprivation.

Anxiety & Habit Control:

  • Break free from anxiety’s grip with customized hypnotherapy sessions.
  • Rewire habits that no longer serve your well-being.
  • Liberate yourself from anxieties and reclaim control over your life.

New Year Goal Setting:

  • Start the New Year with clarity and purpose.
  • Craft achievable goals and set yourself up for success.
  • Harness the power of hypnotherapy to stay committed and motivated.

How it Works:

Invest in Your Well-being: Each session, originally valued at $210.00, is now offered at an exclusive rate of $147.00.

Experience a 30% reduction when you book now!

Flexible Scheduling:

Tailored sessions to fit your busy holiday calendar. Face to face sessions via Zoom offer convenience without compromising quality.

Embrace Your Journey:

Whether it’s managing stress, embracing weight release goals, or setting the stage for a powerful New Year, using hypnotherapy mind coaching is your haven for transformation.

Limited Time Offer: Book Your Sessions Today!

Unlock your potential and gift yourself the joy of a stress-free holiday season and a rejuvenated start to the New Year.

Ready to take the first step towards empowerment? Reach out to here and embark on this empowering journey together!

Contact Jackie at 425-941-2051 or Jackie@JackieFoskett.com to schedule your sessions or inquire further.

Note: This special offer is valid until December 15th. Any sessions purchased can be used this year or into next year til the end of March, 2024.

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