How does hypnosis work?

How does hypnosis work?

Frequently asked questions

How does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis works using deep relaxation and visualization techniques designed to quiet the conscious mind. As your usual perceptions of the world around you (often limiting or outmoded) are temporarily suspended, you are free to access your subconscious mind with its vast reservoir of resources—your inner healer.

As your usual perceptions of the world around you are temporarily suspended, you are free to access your subconscious mind with its vast reservoir of resources.

Hypnotherapy makes use of this shift by first enabling you to uncover beliefs, habits or attitudes that prevent you from making changes in your life such as giving up cigarettes or managing a disease like diabetes. You can also ask your subconscious to call up memories or past events that are troublesome. Thanks to the rich stores of intuition, imagination and other “right brain” functions of the subconscious mind, you gain access to powerful tools for self-change.

Once you find the obstacles to your goals, you are free to clear them away. This happens by planting healthier ideas in their place, often times by imagining a future in which you’ve successfully met your goals and achieved greater well-being. Using your imagination in the focused state of hypnosis is a powerful tool that assists you in achieving your goal. Whether it be for a more comfortable childbirth experience, losing weight, releasing fears and anxiety or letting go of unhealthy stress responses, imagining your positive outcome is a key component of hypnosis.

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