Happy Holidays from Healing Hypnotherapy
December 2010

Happy Holidays!  I love the Holidays, yet I'm always amazed at how quickly they seem to come around each year.  I attribute this "time distortion" to my full life and the many choices I have in what I do and experience on a daily basis.

I love having a life rich and abundant with so many possibilities. And...those many possibilities can be overwhelming if I lose my focus on what it is I really want.  What I want is to feel alive, passionate, engaged, connected with others and be at ease in my experiences.  If I forget this, then I'm left feeling the opposite of what I want: disengaged, not connected and certainly not at ease. This is not a state I want to keep choosing for myself, so, the solution, I have learned and am still learning, is to keep choosing what I do with my time with the consciousness of my goal.
As the holiday season prevails with all its busyness, celebrations, and for many, a frenzy of gift buying, this can be an excellent time, to take some "quiet time", even if it's just a few minutes, and allow yourself to contemplate just what it is you want to fill your time and life with this holiday season.  And, most importantly, how do you want to feel?  It's your choice.  What will you choose?

Read: "Strategies for Holiday Peace and Joy"

My wish for you this Holiday season is to find all the peace, joy and happiness that innately resides within you.  Focus on those feelings and you'll start to see peace, joy and happiness everywhere you look!  Who knows, you might even hear Jimmy Stewart saying "It's a Wonderful Life"!



Happy Holidays,

Jackie Foskett
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